City, University of London

EMPHASIS researchers at City, University of London:


Prof Tom Chen is a Professor in Cyber Security in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. His research interests are in malware, network security, and cyber-terrorism.



Dr Ali Raheem is a Post-doctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at City, University of London.  His research interests are in Security Protocols: Internet of Things (IoT), Wireless Sensor Networks, Cloud Computing, Wireless Networks, M2M systems and Pervasive healthcare applications and systems, Peer to Peer Network, Long Term Evolution (LTE),Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP), Malware, Virtualisation and Cloud Computing and Verification.

The Kent Cyber Security Centre

Academics from the School of Computing:

  • Julio Hernandez-Castro is a Professor in the School of Computing. His main research areas are Computer and Network Security, Cryptography and Crytptanalysis, Steganography and Steganalysis, Data Loss Prevention and RFID Security.
  • Budi Arief is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Computing. His research interests include cybercrime (especially in understanding the human aspects involved), computer security, and the Internet of Things, with a strong overarching element of interdisciplinary research.

We have two Research Associates working on the EMPHASIS project: Orcun Cetin and Osama Abu Oun.

Orcun Cetin is a Research Associate at the University of Kent’s School of Computing. His research focuses on the economics and human aspects of cybersecurity, where he uses qualitative and quantitative methods to answer questions related to cybersecurity policies and cybercrime victimisation.

Osama Abu Oun is a research associate in the School of Computing at the University of Kent. His research interests include technical aspects of cybersecurity, virtualisation, fog/edge computing and internet of things.

Two PhD students are also working in topics related to ransomware: Jamie Pont and Calvin Brierley.